You could keep trying to figure things out on your own, or...

I can help you create and implement a strategy that gets you clients and sales every single month.

How much more impact and income could you make if your marketing wasn't a hot mess?

Lindsey Trammell Jones

Branding Coach

Gwen Jimmere

CEO of Naturalicious

Alex Merritt

The Love Engineer

We get you.

You are brilliant at what you do... you are also STUCK when it comes to marketing - spinning your wheels because you don't have the space to create your marketing strategy or the time to execute your ideas.

You feel paralyzed, frustrated, stranded. And maybe even a little embarrassed because your marketing is a mess. You help other people, so why can't you figure this out for yourself.

Here's the truth: Being a boss in your business doesn't mean that you have to do everything. It means you bring in experts to get things done.

If you are tired of trying to figure out your marketing yourself, we can help!

Why you need a jumpstart?

• Have the "gurus" got you confused?

• Are you paying for marketing tools you're not even using?

• Does thinking about writing emails give you a headache?

• Did you try to"automate" your marketing but get overwhelmed?

• Are you "doing" social media but have no idea if it's working?

• Are you just plain tired of flying by the seat of your pants because you don't have a strategy?

• Has your business flatlined because you haven't been able to generate more sales?

Here are some of the things we've helped busy CEOs and entrepreneurs resolve in just 90-minutes:

  • Creating a streamlined automation strategy
  • Finding the gaps in their current automation strategy
  • Recommending the right tools so they get the right results
  • Auditing your sale funnel to find where things are breaking down
  • Troubleshooting your marketing tech set up.
  • Reviewing + Revising your marketing copy
  • Guidance on the best type of funnel to set up
  • Reviewing your marketing strategy
  • Critiquing your opt-in offer and sales pages
  • Brainstorming + evaluating marketing ideas
  • Walking through your tech so you know the best way to use things
  • Reviewing your Facebook ads and ads strategy

Don't see what you need here? Book a Marketing Momentum Call and let's figure out if we can help you.

What Will You Have at the End of Your Session?

  • Clarity: You'll know where your biggest gaps and obstacles are that are costing you leads and opportunities.
  • Strategy: We'll co-create a Momentum Action Plan that outlines exactly how you will move from idea to implementation.
  • Support: You'll leave with a list of resources and tools that will enable you to take action.
  • Accountability: One week after your JumpStart call you will have an accountability check in to discuss your progress, obstacles, and next steps.

Here's How It Works...


Before the Call

To prepare for your session, you'll complete your pre-work questionnaire.


Your 90-Minute Session

We'll work together via Zoom in a structured strategy call to map out your marketing system.


Review Your Plan

You'll receive a recording of the call and our template for creating a Momentum Action Plan™ so you can get to work.


Your Follow Up Call

We'll meet to answer any questions you have and the best ways to implement it (with us or with your team).

What's Really Possible In 90 Minutes?

"Oh, my gosh! This woman is brilliant!!! "

Tai took a complicated company project that had been stalled in its tracks for three years and in 20 minutes spelled out as clear as crystal how to “frame” our idea so it could be created and understood easily.

So many creatives can “visualize” what their house is going to look like when it’s done, and they’ve gathered the pieces – it’s just that detailed frameworking that can frustrate and drain your energy. Enter Tai Goodwin. I have never seen anyone with this super-ability to take all the pieces of an idea and just *shazamm!* pull them together so you know where to start and how to build it most effectively for your audience.

If you’re a creative visionary in the middle of transition or stuck swimming around in the ocean of your ideas – I believe Tai can save you months of paddling upstream. She blows away the brain fog and gives you the structure around which to build your beautiful idea. Tai is my idea Super-hero!

LisaRae Preston, Step Into Destiny

"I already have 12 people registered..."

I had mini-session with Tai Goodwin-Kastens a couple of weeks ago helped me to get a firm grasp on my sales funnel. First, I didn’t have enough between my “free” things and my high-level coaching. I did have some products in the $29 dollar range, but I wasn’t promoting them, nor using them to help move people up my sales funnel.

Tai swoopped in via phone and Google Docs to help me build a sales funnel that now offers products/services for 3 clearly defined target markets. She helped me match opt-in offers to those three audiences, as well as have a clear roadmap for what to offer (at various price points) as I spoke with clients who were not ready for private coaching.

If you have seen the Brand Camp: Blogging offering at $149 advertised on FB or Twitter from my feed- this is the help of Tai’s genius! I already have 12 people registered and spots for a few more! The best thing about my sales funnel is I keep it out when I do a consultation, and it provides me a great visual and effective way to talk to others about what they may need most!

M. Shannon Hernandez, The Confident Expert


Nancy Marmolejo

Strategist @ TAG

Tai expertly coached an information product from me that was so good, so concise and so sellable... and it all happened in a single phone call! I'm amazed at how her mind can synthesize so much and turn it into amazing info-products. I highly recommend her work and am rehiring her to help map out my future programs!

Melinda Emerson

The Small Biz Lady - International Speaker

Tai Goodwin is the most resourceful business coach I have ever met.Her technical skills are excellent and she is an expert at explaining complex information in a way that anyone can understand. She is a master at helping subject matter experts turn their content into courses and workbooks. She helped me design a workbook and college course based on my book, Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months. I never could have completed my project without her.

Nancy Marmolejo

Strategist @ TAG

Tai expertly coached an information product from me that was so good, so concise and so sellable... and it all happened in a single phone call! I'm amazed at how her mind can synthesize so much and turn it into amazing info-products. I highly recommend her work and am rehiring her to help map out my future programs!

Melinda Emerson

The Small Biz Lady - International Speaker

Tai Goodwin is the most resourceful business coach I have ever met.Her technical skills are excellent and she is an expert at explaining complex information in a way that anyone can understand. She is a master at helping subject matter experts turn their content into courses and workbooks. She helped me design a workbook and college course based on my book, Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months. I never could have completed my project without her.

Kim Fox

Integrative Dietician

We jumped right into working and got so much accomplished in our time together. I was amazed at all that was developed and left feeling confident that I had a viable product as well as the steps to make it happen in just one session together!

Shade Adu

Savvy Solutions Consulting

My experience with Tai was amazing. She gave me ideas for profitable products and advice that truly feed my spirit. I look forward to speaking with her again and working with her soon.

Kim Fox

Integrative Dietician

We jumped right into working and got so much accomplished in our time together. I was amazed at all that was developed and left feeling confident that I had a viable product as well as the steps to make it happen in just one session together!

Shade Adu

Savvy Solutions Consulting

My experience with Tai was amazing. She gave me ideas for profitable products and advice that truly feed my spirit. I look forward to speaking with her again and working with her soon.

Copyright © 2022 That Marketing Team | Credits

Copyright © 2022 That Marketing Team | Credits